White Light Protective Bubble

There are many names for this simple spell and heaps of variations on how to do it. In it’s simplest form this is a deep breathing and visualisation exercise charged with magical and intent.

The purpose of the white light protective bubble is to:

  • Create a spiritual protective shield around yourself
  • Cleanse yourself energetically/spiritually
  • Regulate your emotions (e.g. help bring your focus back to your breathing)
  • Fill yourself with positive, healing energy.

With Practice, white lighting (that’s what I call it anyway) is something you can do quickly and easily, anywhere. I try and do this whenever I leave my house and whenever I’m needing extra help with my stress and anxiety levels. This is also a handy tool to cleanse and protect yourself before and during spell work.

How To:

Start by closing your eyes and visualising pure, white light – the good in the universe, pure positive energy. Breathing in, visualise this energy entering your body. With each breath your body is filled with more and more white light until you are full. Then while still breathing in more, visualise this white light radiating outwards from yourself and forming a protective bubble around yourself. It will remain there for you.

You can make this your own by tweaking it as much as you want. Some ideas include: speaking your intent out loud (“I am cleansed and protected”), using a tool to draw your bubble (like a selenite rod), focusing your eyes on something positive in front of you, placing your hand on your stomach to feel the depth of your breaths, visualising negativity leaving your body and going upwards to be cleansed on your exhale, or calling your deities for their cleansing and protection. I’ve found children seem to love this little mini ritual and find it really helpful. If you keep your eyes open you can also do this to quickly feel protected in situations quickly, and you can also incorporate other elements like touching black tourmaline jewellery etc.

Violet and gold are also really common light colours people visualise to do this 🙂

Love & light,


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