apothecary Magicka cleansing and charging your crystals

Cleansing and Charging Your Crystals

Ok, so theres a tonne of things I want to write about and am slowly writing drafts and such. But this is a big one lol – how did I miss it? Lol. So heres a little info on how to energetically cleanse and charge your crystals. It is however, after 2am and I’m up with my darling child who doesn’t like sleep so this isnt going to the my best writing.

The majority of the crystals you work with, wear, and hoard I mean display around your home and workspace will pick up energy. You don’t really want all that energy attached to them, especially protective stones as they can often protect you by absorbing negativity and ill intent. The energy they collect isn’t necessarily always bad, but it may not be aligned with what you’d like to work with your crystal for. Allowing people to touch your crystals, using them for healing and wearing them can all cause your gemstones to pick up extra energies.

So you’ll want to cleanse them fairly regularly. Theres quite a few ways to do this, how often you do depends on which method you choose, how often you’re using them and also your intuition. If your obsidian feels heavier than usual, if your amethyst makes you feel a bit off, if you’re no longer connecting with that bit of agate you love, or if you’ve had a shit day and were wearing your tourmaline, then it’s a good idea to cleanse your crystals. Otherwise on the full moon is pretty standard for a lot of people, I do mine whenever I use them and daily for the ones I wear.

A quick note – not all crystals are ok in water, or salt, or being buried, or left in sunlight. Some like selenite will eventually dissolve in water, some like raw hematite will rust, and some like amethyst will discolour if you leave it in the sun for a few days.

Ok, so how do you cleanse your crystals?

The main thing is setting the intent that your crystals will be cleansed of all negative, unwanted energy and purified of any energy that’s not part of the gemstone. As with all magic, intent is key!

The Moon

The way a lot of people cleanse their crystals is by leaving them out in the moonlight on a full moon, often collecting them before the sun comes up. This also charges them with the moon’s energy. You can also do this with a new moon or waxing or waning gibbous. A windowsill works if you can’t stick them outside, many people leave the window slightly ajar as well.

The Sun

Another way is by leaving them in the sun and allowing the sun’s rays to cleanse and charge them. This is really great for ‘sunny’ stones like citrine, pyrite and sunstone! Just pop them outside for a short amount of time to soak up the sun, with the intention that they will be cleansed and charged.

Smoke & Fire

Smoke cleansing is great and doesnt potentially damage any fragile crystals. Choose a cleansing incense and waft it over your stones. You can leave a window open if you prefer. Something like rosemary or sandalwood is great for this, you can line up your crystals and waft the stick over them, visualizing the smoke cleansing your crystals and releasing any negative energy back to universe to be purified. You can also use fire/flame/a candle – just be sure to pass the crystal OVER the flame, well away from the actual flame in fact, it’s more symbolic than anything (intention is key!)


You can cleanse many stones in water. Again setting your intent, you can hold them under a running tap, place them in a bowl of water (or moonwater!), pour water over them, or sprinkle them with water. A running stream will also charge your crystals with natural water energy. This is going to sounds a bit daft but… herbal tea and floral water is also an option, and you can match up the herbs with the intent you’re charging your crystals with

Oils & Scents

Diffusing essential oils or other scents, setting the intent that the aroma and properties of the oils will cleanse and (depending on your choice of oils) charge your crystals is another choice. You can either have your stones and diffuser near each other, or pass each stone through the vapour. Be mindful that some essential oils could damage delicate crystals, especially oils like lemon and crystals like selenite. Depending on the scent and oil, you can also charge your crystals this way.

Cleansing room sprays like the one in the Feb moon box can also be misted over your crystals, or near them if they’re delicate, setting your intent that they will be cleansed.

White Light

You can also just use the white light bubble and extend it to your crystals, visualizing them being lit and filled with pure bright white light, purifying them and even charging them.

Other Crystals (my favorite way)

Using other crystals to cleanse your stones and keep them clean is a bit lazy… but it works a treat lol. Im all for easy magic that actually works. Some stones like selenite and citrine are not only self cleansing but they also cleanse other gemstones! You can gently place one on the stone that needs cleansing and leave it there for a little bit (or overnight) and it will be cleansed. Using a mini selenite wand and waving off any unwanted energy by using your intent and hand gestures is awesome, gently tap each crystal as you go. I dont recommend this for anything requiring a deep cleanse though. Selenite charging plates are also great, especially for jewellery as you can leave it on the plate overnight to be cleansed (and charged if you like!)


Burying your crystals in earth is also awesome. Under a tree or in your garden, leave it there for roughly 3 days or whenever you feel its energy is lighter when you think of it. This will also charge the stone with nurturing eath energy.

Herbs Resins and Salt

Herbs & resins, sprinkled over your stones or in a bowl that you submerge your herbs in, is also a way to cleanse them. Salt is another thing that will deeply cleanse your crystals and can also charge them with highly protective energy. Again, set your intent. Depending on the herbs you can also charge your crystals.


Other than my selenite and the moon, I usually use Reiki to cleanse my crystals. Eventually I might look at teaching Reiki, but for now I just mention this as an example that there are loads of ways to cleanse and charge your crystals!

I might do another post on charging crystals in future… I’ve just realised theres lots of info I want to share, and that I should probably also include some info on charging jewellery and tools as well? If you read this far (I know, I have a tendency to ramble lol) and I’ve forgotten something, or if you just want to share, please feel free to comment how you charge your gifts from the earth!

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