Apothecary Magicka Preserving Your Samhain Harvest

Preserving Your Samhain Harvest

Harvesting, preserving, and storing vegetables and crops at the third harvest can be a rewarding and satisfying experience for home gardeners (or farmers market enthusiasts!). Here’s a little guide to help you get started:

Water Apothecary Magicka

Water Element

Season: Autumn
Tarot: cups
Herbs & apothecary: cardamom, chamomile, elderflower, geranium, lemon balm, marshmallow, myrrh, passionflower, red sandalwood, rose, spearmint, thyme, valerian, violet, white willow, yarrow

apothecary Magicka gorse and bay

Gardening Magick Tips and Tricks

Gardening is not just a hobby, it’s kind of an obsession. There’s something about sticking your hands in the soil, pulling up weeds, transplanting things, sowing seeds, and savouring a freshly picked tomato that lifts me up while grounding me in the present. It’s truly magical. Even keeping a succulent alive is a magical feat.