Mid Summer COmmunity

Summer Solstice Community Blessing

Hello and welcome! ☀️

I am hosting an online event spread love and kindness across our communities during the NZ Summer Solstice 💛 https://fb.me/e/1P8PdYDEa

December 22nd 2021

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year and a perfect time to send bright, unifying, sunny positive energy to your loved ones, friends, local community, region, our land and across the globe 💛🧡❤🧡💛

Super simple, super laid back and non denominational so if you would like to send healing, unifying love (or energy, a meditation, or prayers, or intentions) please join!

Please join in whenever you can on Dec 22


While this is primarily a pagan online event, all good intentions welcome – so yes please add your prayers and well wishes. Let’s all come together in love ❤


This is a very simple ritual to healing, loving energy to bless your loved ones, family, friends, wider community, country and our planet.

You will need a pen, the bit of paper with circles on it, and a glass of water, and you will hopefully be able to see sunlight at some point in the day!

Cast a circle or a white light bubble if you wish, or alternatively you could like a small candle or incense. Totally optional.

Take your paper with the circles (or draw 6 circles on blank paper) and write your name in the middle circle, or a nickname if you prefer. In the next circle write the names of your loved ones such as immediate family, including friends who are family and pets. In the next circle write the names of your extended family and friend group. Then, write acquaintances and the names of local groups such as your kid’s school class, the workers you always see at the supermarket, and online groups close to your heart. You don’t need to know their names here, just ‘the parents in kiddos swim class’ will work just fine. In the next circle mention your wider community like ‘everyone in (your town or suburb)’, the truck drivers who bring your supermarket’s veges etc. Next write other towns and groups that make up your ‘community’ in your mind, and New Zealand. Outside the last circle you can write other countries, and our earth if you like. Don’t worry if all the names don’t fit, you can safely write over them and smush them all together, or just use initials if you like.

Next, visualise healing, unifying and peaceful energy flowing from universe into your heart – AKA love. This beautiful energy permeates through your body and fills you up completely. It keeps flowing as you pick up your pen.

Starting outside the largest circle, write a blessing from one side of the paper to the other, crossing the boundaries and unifying with the peaceful, healing energy of love. Keep your pen on the paper so the words string together if you can. Some examples of a blessing you could write include:

“Blessings of peace and love to all”

“Midsummer blessings and communal unity”

“By the Litha sun and an abundance of love, many blessings across our communities”

Pop down the pen and continue to draw in loving energy from universe until you are full and radiating.

If you cast a circle you can close it now. Have a sip of water and ground yourself. Bury the paper, pop it in the compost, or fold it in half towards you (twice) and keep it in a special place like your altar. If you feel called to, consider donating to your local food bank, dropping an anonymous gift in your neighbour’s letterbox, or spreading love and joy in another physical way.


Please join in on the 22nd by sending loving, unifying energy out to all. You might find some inspiration in the spell that you can adjust to suit you.

Some ideas on how you can participate include:

* meditation on love

* dancing or singing with loving intent to your community

* prayer

* gifting

* a kind word

* a small gesture of kindness

* a loving thought

* lighting a candle to bless the community

* something from your religion or personal beliefs that spreads kindness and love


I have a couple of blog posts on how to cast a circle if you would like to cast a protective circle before you do your spell. Please note I think I got this around the right way but I’m dyslexic and I don’t know how many times I’ve proof read it lol – north is where the sun is at its peak and going sunwise so east north west is what a lot of people do. Lol.

Another useful bit of info might be the white light bubble, which you can do before you start and is also a useful tool as you go about your day.

These are intended to be used as inspiration and not as a ‘This is exactly how you do it


If you’re feeling fear, pain or anger and think that might get in the way of your good intentions, don’t fret too much as your blessing and love will still find it’s way through. It will be amplified and sent back to you 🧡 However you might find it helpful to sit with your negative feelings for a but first, to acknowledge them and then gently let them go for now. You might also want to energetically purge some of this before you start – you can do this by dancing, exercising, singing, writing out or painting your feelings, or even going to the beach and screaming 🤷‍♀️ Another idea is to do a cleansing with ritual bath, shower or even hand washing and acknowledge what you’re feeling and allow the water to wash it away.


Thank you so much for joining!

Brightest blessings
