apothecary Magicka dec 21 spell box

December 2021 Summer Solstice Box

This month marked a full year of creating and sending NZ’s witchy subscription boxes! Woohoo! Thank you so much for your support <3 It is also my daughter’s second birthday, so she is1 year older than the boxes lol

The Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, Mid Summer is on Dec 22nd this year, it’s the longest day of the year and a time when firey sun energy is at it’s peak. A great time for sun and fire work, money & abundance, action and energy and celebrating community.

The December boxes had two spells – the first a personal energy spell, harnessing and enhancing the power of the sun to bring you additional energy and enhancing your personal power. The second spell is a very simple ritual, a community blessing spell, which I’ve put on Facebook to open it up to the wider community. You can see it here

The boxes included:

For The Spell

* Citrine Soap – a sunny citrine soap scented with orange essential oil for a simple cleansing ritual, as well as a super quick & simple way to bring you energy.

* Golden Healer Quartz Tumble – associated with the sun, golden healer quartz is a beautiful energy amplifier

* Raw Sunstone – a rough chunk of uplifting, high energy sunstone

* Handmade Leather Bracelet – I roped hubby (Les at Black Metal Mills) into making these for me, we designed them with the intention of balancing solar and lunar energy and providing you with a protective ‘armour’ and a focal point for your own innate magical power. They are waxed with dragon’s blood and pomegranate balm – again, to enhance your power.

* Spell Instructions

Other Things

* Bunny tails– These remind me of hot sunny days on the grass and at the beach and just make me smile, so I included some to bring joy and as an altar decoration.

* Community Blessing Ritual instructions and intention paper

* Raw Cacao – an energy enhancer, also just beautiful – this is literally raw chocolate to help you enhance your raw power

* Oat Straw – another energy enhancer among other things!

* New Zealand Pagan 2022 Calendar  – as this month’s box is all about the sun and YOUR personal POWER, I couldn’t think of a physical altar tool that would suit, because at the end of the day your magic comes from within you. So, seeing as how it’s also the end of the calendar year, I decided a calendar is perfect and a great way to empower you into the new year.