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Note On Energy ‘Gender’

Masculine and Feminine Energies?

I very much prefer to inspire people with spells and information, and part of that is listing magical properties of herbs and crystals. Also, the sun is generally considered a masculine energy and the moon a feminine energy. But what does this even mean? To me, masculine in magic describes a projective energy, one of external action. Feminine describes a receptive energy, of bringing to you and introspection. Of course even these two definitions are not black and white, usually it’s ‘masculine’ herbs you use to draw money to you, so I take the terms as a guide and as a way to categorise things – I love lists and organising and categorising things lol. So while the sun may be classed as masculine and the moon feminine, this isn’t always the case (e.g. Norse Mythology, Mani the moon is male), and is something I invite you to explore and consider in your practice.

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