Apothecary Magicka Full Moon Image

Moon Water Uses  

Now you have your very own Moon Water, what can you do with it? The options are limited only by your imagination (and common sense…. lol). The phase the moon is in when you collect your moon water will guide the intention and use of your moon water, but the full moon is sort of a catch all for intention, adding power to your work. Here are some ideas for using your moon water:

  • Add it to your bath tub
  • Dab on your third eye for enhanced awareness
  • Add some (fresh, clean water) to your tea or coffee, or drink it!
  • Add it to your cooking, even just a drop
  • Add a little bit to your home cleaning regime. A drop in with the dishes, on the floors, in the washing machine
  • Add it to your wet spell jars
  • Use it in freezer spells
  • Cleanse your (non-water soluble, non-toxic) crystals in it
  • Cleanse your jewellery in a little bit of it
  • Wash your face with it to feel awake and glamourous
  • Water your plants!
  • Yes, your pets can drink it but only if it’s fresh and clean drinkable water
  • Anoint painful spots in your body or areas where you have health problems, with the intension of combining your body and mind’s own intrinsic healing and pain relief abilities with the power of the moon.
  • Anoint money, your wallet and paper documents for wealth and success
  • Anoint your heart chakra for emotional healing and release
  • Wash your feet and hands in moon water after a long hard day
  • Anoint and bless gifts and posted letters
  • Infuse herbs and botanicals in moon water for extra power in your herbal magic
  • Using your index finger as a brush, dip it in the moon water and draw a pentagram, moon or symbol that means protection to you on your windows and doors
  • Make ice cubes for extra relief from the heat
  • Add it to your cocktails for extra fun! (I’m not promoting alcohol but I hope that made you laugh)
  • Make a room spray, or add it to your cleaning spray
  • Make a perfume or add it to DIY cosmetics
  • Bless and protect children and loved ones by anointing their head with a dab of moon water

Common sense note: if the water you start with isn’t pure, it will go a bit gross after a little while so you won’t want to drink this or use it on your skin. If you intend to consume your moon water then start with pure water, keep it in the fridge, and use within a few days.

Check out how to make Moon Water here: Making Moon Water

Read about moon phases